• Smaller and Lighter than Standard Hives

    Approximately the size of a six-frame nuc box cut in half, these mini-hives make beekeeping possible for children and people who suffer from back problems. The light-weight frames and boxes make hive inspections a breeze, plus the frames are as wide as a child's shoulders, making them easy to hold and focus in on the bees, and also less intimidating for children and beginners.

  • Easier for Small Colonies

    Whether you caught a small, soft-ball sized swarm with a virgin queen or have a colony that has been struggling with small hive beetles, giving them a small home makes it easier for them to defend and manage until they get their feet under them. These also make great homes for queen-mating.

  • Provides Resources to your Larger Hives

    The mini-hives have an internal shape that the bees seem to like and thrive in. Similar to a tall narrow tree hollow, they build out comb from end to end in each box quickly when resources are present. Once your hive reaches a point where you no longer want to expand vertically, you can remove frames of brood or honey to transfer into a standard Langstroth hive by attaching two frames to the Aluminum Bar, or to start a new mini-hive. As such, these hives can be used as resource suppliers to other hives in your apiary that need a boost in population or honey.